Welcome to Wenzhou Int'l Leather Fair ! 22-24 August, 2025 Wenzhou · China 中文(简体)

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What's New Wednesday 20th of May 2020
Exhibition News | LeatherShoeTech High Quality Supplier II

Due to the huge attraction of the 2020 China (Wenzhou) Intl Leather Fair, there are numerous excellent high quality suppliers are connecting with our fair. For your better understanding of the detail and quality of the enterprise, here we provide the …

What's New Thursday 14th of May 2020
Exhibition News | LeatherShoeTech High Quality Supplier I

Due to the huge attraction of the 2020 China (Wenzhou) Intl Leather Fair, there are numerous excellent high quality suppliers are connecting with our fair. For your better understanding of the detail and quality of the enterprise, here we provide the …

What's New Wednesday 13th of May 2020
Exhibition News | über die Messe

25. China (Wenzhou) Internationale Leder-, Schuh-, Schuhmaschinenausstellung

What's New Wednesday 13th of May 2020
Exhibition News | О выставке

25-я Китай (Вэньчжоу) Международная выставкакожевенного, обувного материала и обувного оборудования

What's New Wednesday 13th of May 2020
Exhibition News | Sur l' exposition

25me exposition internationale du cuir, des matriaux pour chaussures et des machines pour chaussures en Chine (wenzhou)

What's New Tuesday 12th of May 2020
Exhibition News | ???? ???

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What's New Tuesday 12th of May 2020
Exhibition News | 展示会について


What's New Tuesday 12th of May 2020
Exhibition News | Sobre el Evento

25 Feria Internacional de Cuero, Materiales de Calzado y Maquinaria de Calzado de China (Wenzhou)

What's New Tuesday 12th of May 2020
Exhibition News | Riguardo all' esposizione

Venticinquesima fiera internazionaledel cuoio, del materiale e delle macchine per calzature di Wenzhou - CinaBiglietto d’ingresso gratuito Alloggio gratuito Ad agosto assolutamente suggerita la visita alla fiera internazionale del cuoio, del materia…

What's New Tuesday 12th of May 2020
Exhibition News | ????? ???? ???

25 ??? ??? (??????) ?????????????? ?????, ???? ??????? ?? ???? ?????? ????

What's New Friday 24th of April 2020
Exhibition News | LeatherShoeTech Media Pack

Show ProfileLeatherShoeTech is an international shoe industry B2B trade fair, it specializes in machinery and leather products. It is held in the shoe capital of China, gathering all shoe-tech benefits from local networks along with nearby industrial …

What's New Wednesday 22nd of April 2020
Exhibition News | LeatherShoeTech High Quality Supplier

ABM Trading Corporation British LeatherSHAN EXPORTSWenzhou Shunyi Shoe Industry Co., Ltd.

What's New Friday 10th of April 2020
Warm Tips | Protect Yourself from the Coronavirus

With the spread of COVID-19, You can get the virus if someone who has it sneezes or coughs on you, it can also spread if someone who is infected sneezes or coughs into their hand, then touches a door handle, light switch and other "high-touch&…

What's New Friday 3rd of April 2020
Industry Update | Leather & Shoe Tech Industry Update III

Nike has launched a new style of self-lacing shoes - Adapt Auto Max. Within the vintage tone, it hides a rich futuristic feeling, a hollow cage on the heel, a thicker sole, the gray outlook and the addition of Adapt technology, all these make Max feel…

What's New Friday 27th of March 2020
Industry Update | Leather & Shoe Tech Industry Update II

1. In order to the solve the inventory overstocking problem caused by the decline of production capacity during the epidemic, Wenzhou Lucheng District collected all enterprises information and opened up new sales market. Wenzhou Intl Shoe City establi…